When it comes to our plumbing services at Stine-Nichols Plumbing, there are essentially three general categories in which you can divide our services into. Residential, commercial and new construction. In today’s blog post, we’re going to be taking a deeper look into commercial plumbing services. Just as homeowners need to be knowledgeable about their plumbing system and have a go-to plumber to call in times of need, the same holds true for commercial facilities. No matter if that be a warehouse, retail store, office space or anywhere else, plumbing is still going to be intertwined throughout and it goes without saying that a plumbing issue can wreak havoc on a business’s daily operations.

Over the course of this week’s blog post, we’ll take a look at a number of qualities that you’ll want to look for when considering potential commercial plumbing companies. Given that it impacts your business, you’ll certainly want someone you can trust and rely on when trouble strikes. So…if you own or manage a commercial facility, this blog post is going to be perfect for you!

Timeliness and Reliability

This can be said about all plumbing services, but the importance is occasionally heightened when it comes to commercial scenarios. When a plumbing problem pops up at your commercial facility, it can not only disrupt normal operations, but also can be an inconvenience for employees or customers. Nonetheless, one of the most important things you’ll need out of a commercial plumbing is the ability to get an issue resolved in a timely manner. While you may be able to wait 24 hours for a residential issue, that’s not always the case in the commercial world.

To take it one step further, you’re also going to need someone that’s reliable. In other words, if they say they’re going to make it out there at a specific time, they need to follow through on this consistently. Yes, there’s always the chance of special circumstances or emergencies arising where they can’t make it out right away, but generally speaking, commercial facilities need someone they can count on!

Ability to Troubleshoot

Having been in the plumbing industry for a while now, you can safely say that plumbing projects come in all shapes and sizes. With that in mind, having the ability to work around unique situations and craft the proper plan of attack is an extremely important skill to have as a plumber. Aside from working with the plumbing company directly, a good way to evaluate this skill is through how many years of experience they have. In addition, another added quality that experienced plumbers bring to the table is knowing the difference between reliable fixtures/plumbing part brands and lackluster options. Whether that be in regards to faucets, water heaters, piping materials or anything else, you’re going to want products that can withstand wear and tear in order to provide a solid return on your investment.

Licensed, Insured and Bonded

Here we have yet another quality that applies to every type of plumbing company (residential, commercial and new construction), but it’s such an important piece that we felt the need to emphasize it on this blog post as well! Prior to hiring a plumber for your project, make sure they are licensed, insured and bonded. Again, while this one is pretty straightforward and the majority of reliable plumbing contractors should possess each of these, it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Where are they located?

Our next point actually relates back to a prior section of this blog that highlighted the importance of acting in a timely manner. Even though you’ll want to first confirm which areas/cities that the plumbing company serves, it wouldn’t hurt to also check and see where they’re actually located. After all, it would probably make more sense to hire the plumber that’s located close by, as opposed to someone located an hour away (granted that’s assuming everything else in terms of experience, insurance, and so on is similar).


Particularly if you have a larger commercial facility or something like an apartment complex, chances are you may need to call a plumber more often than a small office building. Nonetheless, everyone has a budget they have to abide by and as such, you’ll likely find yourself inquiring about pricing in the early stages of looking for a commercial plumbing company. With pricing being such an important element to the contractor selection process, a good rule of thumb is to get a few quotes around town. Make sure to ask questions about the pricing structure as well. Will each project be priced individually based on the work done or is there an hourly time and material rate that they utilize? Similarly, you’ll want to find out their regular business hours and how the pricing changes for projects that fall outside of these times.

Services Offered

When you really think about it, a complete plumbing system is composed of quite a few various components. Water lines, sewer lines, water heaters, toilets, faucets, the list goes on. With that in mind, just as you’ll want to clarify all of the pricing details for a plumbing company, you’ll also want to do the same with the various services offered. After all, wouldn’t you agree that it would be in your best interest to just have one point of contact for any and all plumbing projects, as opposed to having several people to call? So…early on in the process, while you’re comparing various companies around town, make sure to ask about the exact plumbing services they offer. Assuming they’ll handle all of the routine stuff and also have the ability to take on bigger projects (such as repairing underground lines) in the event that they occur, you should be in good shape!

Before we wrap up this blog post, one characteristic that applies to both the “Services Offered” section and the “Ability to Troubleshoot” section involves the plumber’s experience working specifically with commercial clients. If a company has only previously worked with residential homeowners and never done much in terms of commercial plumbing, they might not be the best fit. While you’re gathering information about the company’s services, pricing and so on, ask if they’ve worked with commercial facilities and if so, which types of businesses have those facilities been.

Commercial Plumbing Services at Stine-Nichols!

Are you in the market for a commercial plumbing contractor? We hope this blog post provided some insight into the qualities that are worth looking for in a commercial plumber. Having a reliable plumber that you can call both for routine maintenance and emergency situations will definitely help alleviate some of the stress that can accompany plumbing-related projects!

As mentioned in the opening paragraphs, our team at Stine-Nichols offers commercial plumbing services throughout the Kansas City area. Whether that be for a one-time project like cleaning a drain or if you need someone on a routine basis during the year, we’re here to help with all of your plumbing needs. Our team has experience working with several businesses throughout the Kansas City area. For those interested in getting more information about our pricing and services offered, feel free to click HERE and fill out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you and learning how we can be of assistance for your commercial facility!