sink repiping

Drip, drip, drip. What may seem to be a harmless (and perhaps annoying) faucet dripping isn’t always as minuscule as it appears to be! As we’ve mentioned here on the blog before, no piping material is built to last forever. While there are certainly materials that are much more suited for the long haul, they’ll all eventually need to be replaced! Drain lines, water lines, sewer lines, they can all corrode over time. 

Having personally been in the plumbing world for over 40 years, I’ve seen my fair share of leaky pipes. Some of the time, it’s simply a drip that can be repaired in no time. On the other end of the spectrum, you can have a drastic leak leading to lost possessions and serious damage to your home. In this blog, we’ll give you a quick walkthrough of some of the different reasons as to why pipes even leak to begin with and then provide some tips so you know when is the right time to call in a licensed plumber to take over. 

Why do pipes leak?

Leaking pipes can quickly turn into a nightmare for homeowners, if not handled properly. As we often say here on the blog, it’s always important to act on plumbing problems the moment you notice something is up. The longer it sits, the worse it can get. It’s as simple as that! Leaking pipes are no different. A slight drip might seem like something you can put off for a few days (or weeks), but it’s anybody’s guess what’s really going wrong inside your plumbing system. To kick off this blog, let’s analyze a few of the reasons why pipes leak in the first place:

High Water Pressure – Earlier this year, we had a blog post that discussed fixing low water pressure in the shower. For obvious reasons, low water pressure can be an annoyance for Kansas City homeowners. However, looking at it from the other side, high water pressure is also capable of presenting its own potential headaches. In simple terms, high water pressure increases the wear and tear on your pipes. As you might guess, the water is flying through the pipes at high speeds and has to change speeds in an instant, thus raising the possibility of wreaking havoc on your pipes.

Drastic Changes in Temperature – For anyone that’s lived in Kansas City for a while, you know that we’re no strangers to crazy changes in temperature! One day you’re wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and the next day you need to break out the jacket. Nonetheless, extreme changes in temperature can lead to pipes cracking. This is particularly the case when it gets very cold quickly and can result in pipes freezing/bursting.

Corrosion – Our next culprit is one that is brought about in many different ways. You’ve heard us discuss the downsides of hard water before and encourage the use of a water softener many times on our blog! Just as it sounds, hard water is “harder” on your pipes than soft water. It’s tougher on the insides of your pipes and will lead to quicker deterioration. Another topic we’ve hit on frequently here on the blog revolves around chemical drain cleaners. Even though they appear to do the job and clear the clog at a particular moment, they aren’t too friendly on your pipes (or fixtures) and can lead to future problems for the homeowner. Lastly, older homes very well could be using materials, such as galvanized steel, that are no longer utilized as frequently nowadays. Some of these materials are much more susceptible to various forms of breaking down, including rust. 

Corrosion is certainly fairly common, thus requiring a more in-depth explanation. Before I continue on though, note that corrosion is only going to get worse as time goes on. While there are instances where you can make a patchwork repair, typically the solution will be replacing all or some of the piping. Yes, it’s a costly project, but one that you’ll want to take care of before something drastic happens.

Time to call in a plumber?

By now, you know a leak in your plumbing system is nothing to mess around with! However, leaks aren’t always visible immediately. Just think about, the majority of your pipes are hidden either behind walls or underground. A leak can be underway for a little bit of time before you notice anything awry. Here are a few situations where you should get a plumber on the phone right away:

Discolored or Funky Smelling Water – Whenever the water smells, tastes or looks weird, something is up. As noted in last week’s blog, sometimes this isn’t an issue with your individual plumbing system, but rather your local water company is at fault. Nonetheless, a great first step is to reach out to a plumber. They’ll know the difference between the two.

Damaged Walls – This next point is also going to be an easy one to spot. If you ever notice your walls becoming warped or stained and can’t tie the damage to any remodeling you may be doing, there is almost certainly a plumbing leak. Drywall combined with moisture leads to the drywall gradually becoming softer and even having a “bubble” look. The repair process for this is something we’ve seen plenty of times with Kansas City homeowners. We’ll tear out the drywall, make the necessary repairs and then someone will come in behind us to re-patch it and paint the walls.

Damaged Ceilings – Following a similar course as the previous point, there is also a possibility of the ceilings showing stains or warping. This is often the case for those homes with a second floor bathroom. If you notice a dark stain on the first floor ceiling or even the ceiling starting to sag, chances are you have a water leak. This is another instance of a water leak that’s not a quick fix and will require some construction!

Mold – The final tell-tale sign of something being up is mold or mildew growth. For health purposes, this is one of those scenarios where we strongly recommend getting a plumber out ASAP! Mold can cause allergic reactions and is particularly harmful to those with allergies, asthma, compromised immune systems and the elderly/youth. WebMD summarizes the effect of mold perfectly right here: “In small amounts, mold spores are usually harmless, but when they land on a damp spot in your home, they can start to grow.”

A hidden water leak is ALWAYS going to lead to mold growth. As seen with the quote from WebMD, mold loves moist (and dark) environments. Considering most of your pipes are underground or behind walls, it’s definitely going to enjoy a hidden pipe leak and will start growing in no time! While most of this mold growth won’t be visible, if you notice some weird allergic reactions amongst those in your household (combined with issues mentioned above), it’s probably time to call in a licensed plumber. 

Plumbing Repiping in Kansas City!

In being a residential and commercial plumbing contractor in the Kansas City area, you better be proficient at providing repiping services. It’s a service that we are called on to do every single week (if not every day). If you take one point away from this blog, I hope it’s the realization that leaking pipes are nothing to mess around with. From a financial standpoint, that small drip could easily lead to an expensive investment to get your plumbing system back in working order!

Here at Stine-Nichols Plumbing, we completely understand plumbing issues aren’t the most enjoyable of times for homeowners. You’re likely forced to take off work to meet a plumber at your house and it also has financial implications. With this in mind, our goal since day one has been to provide reliable and timely solutions WITHOUT breaking the bank. We strive to get your issues resolved the first time and provide you with tips to prevent the same thing from happening twice. Getting a free quote is quick and easy. Fill out the form here or give us a call at (816) 348-3481 to speak with a member of our team.