Whether it be in regards to water heaters, faucets or a number of other components, our prior blog posts frequently discuss just how much the plumbing industry has grown over the years. It has become much more competitive amongst brands and as such, homeowners have had the benefit of a plethora of potential options to pick from! However, this abundance of possibilities can be considered both a blessing and a curse, as it can be a little overwhelming sifting through the pages upon pages of various products. 

On this week’s blog, we’re going to dive deeper into one of our favorite brands in the water softener and filtration world. That particular company is NuvoH2O. If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, odds are you’ve seen a handful of past NuvoH2O system installations. In short, they’ve quickly become a fan favorite among many of our Kansas City-based customers and it’s not hard to see why. Along with a stylish design and an easy-to-maintain system, they also have been proven to get the job done. Throughout this blog, we’ll highlight a few of the benefits customers often mention to us and ultimately why we’ve been so confident in recommending them as a tool to fight hard water.

Simple Maintenance Practices

As a homeowner, it can quickly feel like there’s always improvements around the house that can be made. And it’s safe to say one thing that often accompanies these improvements is a financial investment. To take it one step further, when you make this investment, you obviously want to get the best return on the money spent, right? Well, when it comes to plumbing, a good ROI is going to be reflected by a product that works and lasts as long as it’s expected to. In order for the second of these two goals to occur, maintenance is always going to be an important component.

Luckily, with NuvoH2O systems, they’ve made the maintenance process about as easy as they come. In fact, all you have to do is replace the cartridge every 6 months or so. That’s it! Keep in mind that the 6 month figure is just a baseline number to go off, as some homeowners might see their cartridges last longer. So, whether you would prefer to purchase the cartridge directly from Nuvo and make the swap yourself or if you would rather one of our technicians come out and knock it out in a short service call, it really is a quick and painless process!

Stylish Design

When you think of plumbing, I’m going to guess looks aren’t the first thing that come to mind, but it’s definitely intertwined with many decisions on household plumbing. For example, when you pick out a new faucet, bathroom vanity or showerhead, you probably want something that fits the aesthetic for the space, right? In other words, you’re not always going to pick out the most inexpensive option.

While a water softener or filtration system likely isn’t going to be seen as much as those items I just mentioned, it doesn’t hurt to have a system that looks nice! Simply put, the units from Nuvo don’t occupy a whole lot of space (as they’re attached to the wall) and personally speaking, we think they have a clean-looking design. Again, odds are you’re not going to purchase a new softener or filter solely based on how it looks, but given that it doesn’t occupy that much space in your home, we felt the overall design was an advantage worth mentioning.

Best of Both Worlds

We briefly alluded to this in the opening paragraph, but it goes without saying that there are quite a few different water softener or water filtration systems out there. After all, Google “water softener systems” and you’ll get an idea just how many brands there are currently in the market. Well, when it comes to improving the water quality in one’s home, water softeners and water filtration systems are two types of systems that can alleviate the most common problems homeowners face.

Hard Water – There’s no denying that hard water has a few disadvantages capable of quickly becoming frustrating for homeowners. In fact, we’ve outlined these downsides before on prior blog posts. Nonetheless, even though it is safe to drink and wash with, it helps to know there is a solution to softening the water. Long story short, Nuvo’s systems approach this process in a slightly different manner than your traditional water softener. They use a citrus-based approach, rather than salt. So, if you’re someone that would like to avoid hauling bags of salt around for a traditional softener, Nuvo could very well be the system for you. And after having installed plenty of them around the Kansas City area over recent years, it’s pretty clear our clients agree that they follow through on what they advertise!

Water Filter – The second resource homeowners can utilize to improve their water quality is a water filtration system. Water filters come in all types and sizes. You can have whole-house filtration systems, water filters that go on the kitchen faucets, filters on water coming from the refrigerator and so on. Likewise, there are also different types of water filtration systems, including reverse osmosis ones. The purpose of filtering water is fairly straightforward. You’re aiming to remove unwanted contaminants from the water, thus leading to cleaner, better tasting and even better smelling water.

Nuvo’s Solution – If you scroll through our Instagram feed, you’ll seemingly find two different types of Nuvo systems. Essentially, there will be units with one cartridge and units with two cartridges. While these do come in different sizes to align with one’s home size, the general premise holds true. Since this section is titled, “Best of Both Worlds,” we wanted to highlight their dual system that is composed of both a water softener and a taste filter. 

With their citrus-based formula, this system offers all of the standard benefits of a reliable water softener, but the taste filter also removes all of those undesired chemicals. This dual system, in particular, has quickly become increasingly popular amongst many of our customers. After all, if you’re already investing in a system that softens your water, why not spend a little extra and get cleaner water too? Also, if you check out the photos on our social media pages, you’ll notice the dual system doesn’t occupy that much more space than the single softener system. Not to mention, it’s definitely easier for homeowners to just have to maintain one system, rather than a separate water softener and a different filtration system.

Get a Nuvo Installed in Your Home!

So…what do you think? Is it time you improved the water quality inside your home by having a NuvoH2O system installed? For those that are unfamiliar with the NuvoH2O brand, we hope you found some value in this blog and have a better understanding of why we’ve been installing so many of them around Kansas City. There’s no doubt that hard water can be an annoyance for homeowners and considering KC experiences above-average levels of hard water, it’s also no surprise that we hear it brought up by customers consistently throughout the year. 

As we mentioned above, Nuvo’s dual system has quickly become a fan favorite amongst many of our customers. While it offers all of the awesome advantages of a proven water softener and doesn’t require you to haul bags of salt around, it also has a filtration system too. What more could you ask for? If you live in or near the Kansas City area and are interested in learning more about Nuvo’s various systems, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is listed as a local installer on their website and we’re here to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to give us a call at (816) 348-3481 to learn more!