When you look at your household plumbing system as a whole, it’s not hard to realize just how many various components are involved. Yes, you have all of the water lines, drain lines and so on that are responsible for a lot of the work, but there are also the different fixtures/appliances throughout that are just as important. If you’ve followed our blog for a little while, you’ll see that we always try to provide content focused on the different plumbing pieces. Faucets, water heaters, water softeners, toilets, you name it! The more you understand how these different fixtures operate and the proper maintenance needed to keep them running, the better off you’ll be in the long haul.

In this week’s blog post, we’re going to discuss yet another plumbing component widely used by plenty of homeowners and that is the garbage disposal. The garbage disposal is definitely a topic that we’ve touched on more than a few times before on the blog. From FAQ’s and a complete purchasing guide to knowing what your disposal can and can’t handle, there really is quite a bit of information to break down. Nonetheless, today’s blog will analyze some common garbage disposal myths that we’ve heard from time-to-time. We’ll discuss whether or not there’s any truth to these myths and even provide some tips on which garbage disposal brand we always recommend to homeowners.  

Myth #1: It’s important to sharpen your garbage disposal’s blades.

If you want your garbage disposal to shred through food particles easier, wouldn’t it make sense to sharpen it? While the logic here might make sense on the surface, garbage disposals don’t even have blades in the first place. They’re actually referred to as impellers. So, while you can’t technically sharpen them, you are able to clean them, which tends to be your best plan of attack in keeping them in working order (along with watching what gets actually tossed down the disposal).

Myth #2: Garbage disposals can handle just about any food you throw in them.

Much like many other plumbing components, it goes without saying that garbage disposals have come a long way over the years. After all, just take a look at the various options offered by one of the industry’s leaders, InSinkErator. From their standard options, all the way through their Evolution Excel, you can now select a disposal based on your preferred horsepower, as well as how quiet it is. However, even with all of these cool new features, it’s important to remember what garbage disposals can and can’t handle. Likewise, you need to understand the capabilities of the size of your particular disposal too. A common misconception is that garbage disposals can chew through just about anything you throw in them. Unfortunately, this often ends up resulting in future troubles and more headaches for the homeowner.

What are a few examples of things that are definite no-no’s for garbage disposals? Coffee grounds, stringy vegetables, pasta and potato peels are a few that instantly come to mind. While it may seem easier to just let the garbage disposal take care of them, you’re better off tossing them in the trash.

Myth #3: They pose environmental risks.

Did you know the garbage disposal was invented all the way back in 1927? For many of us, we grew up with them and found them to be just as common as any other household plumbing fixture, whether that be a toilet, faucet or anything else. While they don’t necessarily do anything groundbreaking, they are a nice tool to have in the kitchen. However, that doesn’t mean they haven’t had their critics over the years as well. For instance, if you ask those living in New York City, they might not have similar experiences, as garbage disposals were once banned there, up until that was reversed in the late 90’s. Why were they banned? Many people were concerned with the troubles they could have with the city’s older sewage system. 

Nonetheless, back to the point about their environmental impact. For one, garbage disposals can help limit how much of this waste ends up at the landfills. And if you Google “landfills overflowing,” you’ll quickly realize just how much of an issue this is becoming in the United States, as we’re simply running out of space for all of this waste! If we take this one step further, it’s important to recognize that landfills are not necessarily the most environmentally-friendly places either. The most pertinent example of this is the fact that methane gasses are released at landfills, which in turn helps contribute to climate change. Long story short, while some may argue garbage disposals are a detriment to filtering wastewater, the truth is the landfills are certainly just as much (if not more) of an environmental risk in the grand scheme of things.

Myth #4: They’ll result in higher utility bills.

Our final myth that occasionally gets tossed around is in regards to the energy and water usage of garbage disposals. While some of the points above required a longer description, this one is about as simple as you get. To sum it up, garbage disposals use very little water and electricity, to the point that you likely won’t even recognize the difference on your utility bills.

Which garbage disposal brand do we recommend? 

Most homeowners would likely agree that when it comes to the garbage disposal, they want something that’s reliable, long-lasting and ultimately gets the job done. And while there are a number of different brands currently in the market, we’ve always had quality results from InSinkErator and continue to recommend them to both our residential and commercial clients. 

Along with consistent performance, one of their best attributes is the ability to have a wide-range of offerings. For instance, while a ⅓ HP may work in some situations, it’s safe to assume that larger households may need something with a little more power. Likewise, if you only have 1 or 2 people living in your home, there’s little need to invest the extra money in a high-powered 1HP unit. In addition, in some scenarios, homeowners want a garbage disposal that makes very little noise when running. For those, you can browse their “Quiet Series” and select a model that fits your needs. Their 1HP Evolution Excel is about as quiet as you get for a garbage disposal! In the end, InSinkErator does a tremendous job at not only producing garbage disposals that are effective, but also ones that won’t break down quickly.

Garbage Disposal Services in Kansas City

As we mentioned in the opening paragraph, there’s no denying that your plumbing system is composed of quite a few different components. Faucets, water heaters, water softeners, toilets, showers, garbage disposals, the list goes on! And as we’ve referenced throughout this blog post, while a garbage disposal may seem like a rather straightforward appliance, there are more than a few misconceptions about them. As a one-stop shop for all things plumbing, we take pride in helping homeowners with every single plumbing problem, including your garbage disposal. Whether it be for a new installation or to repair your existing unit, we’re always here to help. To learn more and request a free quote, feel free to click HERE and a member of our team will be in touch! In addition, you’re always welcome to call us directly at (816) 348-3481.